Sunday, August 28, 2011

Eagles Fall to Covenant Christian

The Eagles lost 3-1 against a very good Covenant Christian team on Tuesday evening. Heritage struggled to contain Covenant Christian's forwards and quickly found themselves down 3-0. The boys continued to work hard though and were rewarded with a penalty shot. Junior Anders Rotto found the back of the net bringing the score to 3-1 at halftime. Unfortunately, lightening struck five minutes into the second half and the game ended up being called.

I was looking forward to seeing how the boys would respond in the second half. I was confident that our defense would be more sturdy and that we would find some offense. While it was tough losing the game, I believe there was a lot to be gained from the loss.

Coach Nelson

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Eagles Get First Win of the Season against Arsenal Tech

Ryan Deitrich scored the first goal of the season and the Eagles ended up winning 3-1 against Arsenal Tech on Thursday night. Graham Allgood scored twice to give the team a comfortable three goal lead. Tech managed to score on a penalty kick late in the second half.

I was pleased with our effort. The field condition made it difficult to find a possession game. Anders Rotto and Sam Hall played well and there were plenty of goal scoring opportunities. Our finishing needs work, but I am confident that we will start to score more goals as the season progresses.

Go Eagles!

Coach Nelson

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Eagles Fall in Home Opener

The Eagles lost to University High School 4-0 on Tuesday night. Both teams started strong but unfortunately the Trailblazers were able to net the opening goal with around 8 minutes left in the first half. I was happy with our effort and performance in the first half. We came out strong to start the second half but giving up the second goal really put us in a hole. We had a some good opportunities to score but were not able to find the back of the net. I am confident that we will rebound in our next game against Arsenal Tech.

Go Eagles!

Coach Nelson

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Union County Scrimmage

The boys visited a very hospitable Union County team this on Saturday, August 13th. We started out a bit sluggish and conceded an early goal. After giving up the goal, the boys woke up and took command of the game. The boys scored five goals and had countless other opportunities that required the Union County's goalie make some great saves.

I am very pleased with how the boys performed today. There are things to fix but the good thing is that they are easy fixes. We will work on them this Monday at practice.

Go Eagles!

Season Kick-Off Party

Our season is finally underway! We had a great evening of food and fellowship at the Allgood's home. I am very excited for this season! It was great to see so many new families in the soccer program. I am very thankful for the parents in the program. The boys are very fortunate to have such loving parents!

Varsity Brunch

The varsity team enjoyed a beautiful spread of food after a morning training session at the Sato's home. After filling their stomachs, the boys spent some time discussing team goals for this upcoming season. I also announced the team captains for this year. We will be led by senior Nate Clodgo and juniors Anders Rotto and Graham Allgood. I am confident that these three individuals will be solid leaders this season. The boys then finished up the event by swimming and lounging by the pool.

State Fair Outing

The boys had an enjoyable time at the State Fair. The evening was filled with fried food, gold fish, and laughs. The team won 14 gold fish at the ping pong toss game and did the fishy fish song and dance with lots of enthusiasm!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Victory Field Outing

What a beautiful night for a baseball game! We had a fun night hanging out watching the Indianapolis Indians. The boys all had a great time. We were blessed to have two major highlights that took place during the game. The first was when Paul Jacobson came up with a foul ball. After getting possession of the ball, Paul decided to give the ball to a small child which was a classy act.

The second highlight of the game took place when the boys made the flex cam. All of the boys were sporting a red arm band while flexing their muscles. The boys made the jumbo tron screen while an advertisement was made for the Indiana Blood Center.

I once again had a great time with the boys. There were so many funny comments made that made me laugh. In the words of Paul Jacobson, "Go Baseball!"

Coach Nelson

Pool Party Outing

The boys had a great time at the Clodgo's home on Wednesday! With pizza, watermelon, and a pool, it was the perfect scenario for teenage boys. I enjoyed watching the boys interact and grow closer as a team. I am very encouraged with how the team is coming together. Our juniors and seniors are doing an excellent job of building team chemistry.

Go Eagles!

Coach Nelson