Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Important Dates

The varsity brunch will be held on August 6th at the Richards' home. This is a tradition that recognizes the achievement of making making the varsity soccer squad. Therefore, this is for varsity players only. The boys will head over to the Richards' home after the morning the training session for some good food and fellowship.

After the evening training session on August 10th, we will be going to the state fair as a team. This trip includes the junior varsity team. We will look to return to Heritage at 9:30 p.m.

The kick-off party to the season will be held on August 13th at the Sato's home. The Satos have graciously offered to host the party. This is a time for the entire soccer program to come together and fellowship. After the meal, there will be a parents meeting that will cover the upcoming season.

There will be more information coming concerning the above events.

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