Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A message from Athletic Director Jeff Freeman Concerning July 4th Moratorim Week

Just a reminder...next week starting Monday, July 4 through Sunday July 10 is the IHSAA mandatory MORATORIUM week. Per the IHSAA “during this seven day period, there shall be no contact between athletes and coaches, and no athletic activities, including conditioning, conducted”.

Our understanding of this is that “no contact” means exactly that...absolutely none. Please remind your coaches and athletes of this. There must be no activity (at HCS or away from HCS) between coaches and athletes. Along with this there can be no athletic activity of any kind on our campus...so kids cannot work out and use the facilities here even if there is no coach present (which, by the way, we would not endorse even if it were not moratorium week).

Thanks...take full advantage of some down time.

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