Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pass Workouts

I just received word from our Athletic Director that we are now able to start P.A.S.S. Mr. Riddick made an arrangement with Jaime to have Heritage athletes come to her facility for training two times a week. The times are Tuesdays at 7:30pm and Fridays at 3:30pm. Each session should last one hour. Please keep in mind that these sessions are optional. The Athletic Department covers the cost of two training sessions per week. This is a nice opportunity for players wanting some additional work outs.

Parents not familar with P.A.S.S. are welcome to contact Jaime or Coach Nelson to find out about the program. Heritage is fortunate to have P.A.S.S. and the program helps our athletes gain an advantage in speed and quickness.

Contact Info for P.A.S.S.

Jaime Bowling
P.A.S.S. Performance Training Owner / Director of P.A.S.S.
9325 Uptown Drive Suite 400Indianapolis, IN 46256
Fax 317.863.1063

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